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#1 Re : L'actualité d'Ecrans.fr » Le grand retour de Boxxy » 12-01-2011 01:12:54

Etant donné que je suis d'accord avec ça :
"I like Boxxy, and here's why. I'm not post pubescent (over 25), I have a girlfriend, and I don't fantasize about her. I like her because she is the antidote, the antithesis, the hemlock in the cup to Internet Tough Guyism.
I was surprised to see that, for all its posturing, /b/ really does hold one thing sacred: its "bad muthafucka" image of itself. /b/ really believes that it's frightening, that it's tougher than a Ford Chevy, that it's badass masculinity personified, in a sense. And, before, there were very few ways to disrupt this image, to give it a good hard kick in the shins.
And then Boxxy came along. Boxxy love is everything /b/ hates - passive, gentle, adorable, sweet. It gives without asking, it loves without asking in return. Instead of being aggressively faux-adult, it's happily faux-childlike. That's why Boxxy became a meme - because she DIDN'T want the attention; because she provided no pics (as the /b/tards will attest). As a result, Boxxy turned into the most successful way to troll the /b/tards ever devised." (tiré de http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Boxxy# … Boxxypasta, je ne sais pas d'où vient l'original)
C'est normal que là, la magie n'opère plus ... Ça fait faux ...

#2 Re : L'actualité d'Ecrans.fr » La Carte musique enfin à portée » 29-10-2010 15:37:14

« Attention : Ce site − carte-musique.gouv.fr − a mauvaise réputation.
Crédibilité : Mauvais
Fiabilité commerciale : Mauvais
Confidentialité: Mauvais
Sécurité des mineurs : Mauvais »

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